You can help! Bring Passover to Emory


A Jewish student organization at Emory that provides educational, social, and recreational programming for students a and faculty.
Vision and Impact
Our vision is of a modern vibrant center that provides educational, social, and recreational programming for students and faculty. And to convey a compelling, rich and meaningful Judaism that will inspire all who come in contact with it.
Learn more

It's our core belief that every individual Jew has an indispensable contribution to make to the totality of the Jewish people.

Chabad Emory On Instagram
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The warmth and light of fire represent passion, illumination knowledge, and warmth! We light a bonfire 🔥 on Lag B’omer (google it ;) to rekindle our connection with our essential purpose To SHINE LIGHT ✨ driving away the darkness of ignorance, hate and fear.

The warmth and light of fire represent passion, illumination knowledge, and warmth! We light a bonfire 🔥 on Lag B’omer (google it ;) to rekindle our connection with our essential purpose To SHINE LIGHT ✨ driving away the darkness of ignorance, hate and fear. ...

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Take 🎵 Note 
People are comfortable to show their faces, make eye contact and share pleasant smiles with one another …when they feel confident that peace they stand for looks sounds and feels like peace 🕊️

Take 🎵 Note
People are comfortable to show their faces, make eye contact and share pleasant smiles with one another …when they feel confident that peace they stand for looks sounds and feels like peace 🕊️

A little light dispels much darkness! Every Mitzvah that we do - every act of goodness and kindness makes a difference!

A little light dispels much darkness! Every Mitzvah that we do - every act of goodness and kindness makes a difference! ...

“That’s what Judaism is ✡️ A Life of love & a Love of Life” - Chief Rabbi Sacks

“That’s what Judaism is ✡️ A Life of love & a Love of Life” - Chief Rabbi Sacks ...

We are the Jewish people ! We are here/ to stay !  The Shema Yisroel prayer underscores our faith in G-d and our awareness that the source of our strength & survival is a divine miracle.

We are the Jewish people ! We are here/ to stay ! The Shema Yisroel prayer underscores our faith in G-d and our awareness that the source of our strength & survival is a divine miracle. ...

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